subacqua apnea legend dry 120 bag: The Subacqua Apnea Legend Dry 120 bag is a large capacity bag, aimed not only for spearfishing and apneists who need great length for their fins, but also for all divers who wish to carry their complete diving gear in a container that does not fill so much Volume as the rigid boxes
The Subacqua Apnea Legend Dry 120 bag is a large capacity bag, aimed not only for spearfishing and apneists who need great length for their fins, but also for all divers who wish to carry their complete diving gear in a container that does not fill so much Volume as the rigid boxes.
With waterproof seal, makes the equipment does not splash or wet after the dive; but also allows to carry accessories that we do not want to get wet like in water sports, boats ... etc.
It has a drain plug to be able to empty the water that may have drained inside.
The Apnea Legend Dry 120 bag is part of the Legend Bags series, with a strong PVC exterior coating and a capacity of 120 liters. The Legend bag family completes with a backpack bag (sold separately) of 85 liters capacity.